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The Benefits of Breastfeeding For Both Baby and Mother

The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Baby and Mother are many. For one thing, breastfeeding will save you money in the long run. Many pediatricians recommend breastfeeding as opposed to bottle feeding because it is a more natural feeding method. Bottled milk can be contaminated with bacteria that can harm your baby and even make you sick.

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The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Baby and Mother includes improved immune systems in mom’s body. Babies who are breastfed also tend to be less susceptible to illness and diseases. As a result, they have a longer life span. Studies show that babies who were breastfed have higher energy levels, are more adaptable to new environments and have lower incidences of allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Baby and Mother also include better digestion and more energy. When mom becomes a mother, the baby is already using her hormones to help develop and grow. With breastfeeding, these hormones remain in the mother’s body and help in the development of the child. The benefits of breast feeding for both baby and mother include better digestion, more energy, and a happier family.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Baby and Mother also includes better skin and hair. Babies who are breastfed have thicker and healthier hair. The mother’s skin is also healthier. It has more elasticity and tends to be smoother. These babies have more vibrant and healthy looking skin and hair.

One of the best and most important benefits of Breastfeeding for both baby and mother is the bonding time between mother and child. It is difficult to explain, but when a mother feeds her baby it is almost like she is giving the baby her very life! This is one of the greatest benefits of breastfeeding because mothers don’t have to go anywhere to find out how their babies are doing. They just go where the baby is! They are literally right there with their babies in the feeding process!

The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Baby and Mother include a greater bonding time, healthier child, and more overall energy. The more energy, the better your child will do in school. It is also proven that babies who are breastfed tend to sleep better at night. The benefits of breast feeding for both baby and mother are numerous.

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